
Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Christians Acting Like Christians

Last week I had the opportunity to witness something I think is worthy of comment. What I saw should be so normal among Christians that no one would take any notice, but since that isn't always the case I felt it worth commenting on. I was so encouraged to see a large group of Christians acting like Christians.

I had the opportunity to attend my second Annual General Meeting of the Brethren in Christ. Last year a resolution was passed to go through the process of selecting a new name for the denomination. A group of leaders would consult and discuss and come back to this year's AGM with a recommendation for a new name. They did so, and it was apparent they expected the new name to be adopted rather quickly without a whole lot of discussion or dissent. They were surprised.

As it turned out there was a considerable amount of concern over the new name being proposed, and eventually that led to a motion to put off the decision for another year.  In essence the leaders were asked to go back to the drawing board and come up with a new proposal. That motion was passed by what I'm estimating was a 3 to 1 margin.

Now here's the thing that caught my attention.  I was so impressed throughout this process how everyone acted in such a "Christian" manner. Those who were dissenting put forth their comments in a calm, respectful manner. Doug Sider, the Executive Director who will really bear the brunt of the decision to go back and start again, couldn't have been more gracious in his response. 

Perhaps, like me, you have witnessed dissent in business meetings that turns into something less than amiable. It's not that uncommon for people who have strong opinions to get rather heated in presenting those opinions. It's not uncommon for people who have had their ideas rejected to become defensive and argumentative.

I was so pleased when none of that happened last Saturday, in spite of the fact that the matter at hand had the potential to be very contentious. It was a situation ripe with potential for feelings to run high and tempers to come to the fore.  It just didn't happen.

It made me proud, not just be a member of a body that could handle a difficult discussion with such grace, but to be a Christian. I almost wish there had been a body of unbelievers observing in some capacity.  What a great testimony it would have been!  I would have been proud to be associated with this group of Christians.

My only regret is that all of the people in our churches did not have the opportunity to witness how the body of Christ can function, even in the midst of disagreement. What a wonderful example it would have been for Believers who may still be prone to high emotions and harsh words when things aren't necessarily going their way. I believe the people in our congregations would have been pleased and proud to see their leaders at work, demonstrating Christ-like grace and patience in the midst of what could have been a volatile situation if involving people less mature in their faith.

So my thanks to the leadership of the BIC and the leaders from our churches for setting a Godly example for us all. I'm sure God looked down on that gathering and was pleased.

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