Sunday September 11th is "Make A Difference" Sunday at The Mission. It's a catchy phrase for a service, isn't it? But is it real?
This Sunday we will be emphasizing the various ministries and opportunities for service at The Mission, and encouraging people to consider whether they should be involved in an area of service. The title of the service implies that by being involved as a volunteer you can make a difference in someone's life. Being that we are a church, the hope is that sometimes that difference will last for eternity. But is it really true? Is it worth it for you to take time away from your other activities to be involved in serving in your church? ABSOLUTELY!
I'm going to give you three reasons.
1. It's God's plan to get things done.
God equips people with gifts, and then expects them to use those gifts. Romans 12 says this. "We have different gifts according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith. If it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach."
The Bible is clear. We all have certain abilities that God has given us. Of course each of us is different and we have different abilities. If everyone steps up and uses the gifts God has given, everything gets done. Not only that, it gets done in the most effective way possible and no one is stressed out. Have you noticed that people don't usually get stressed out when they are doing the things they are good at and comfortable with? There are some things I can do well. They come easily to me and I don't worry about them at all. On the other hand, there are things that are second nature to other people that cause me all kinds of worry and stress. I feel totally unequipped for those things. When a willing person has to step up to fill a gap left by someone else, doing their best in an area where they're not gifted, stress happens. And of course the job doesn't get done as well.
God's plan is for all of us to do our part. If that actually happened in any church, that would be an amazing church with amazing things happening!
2. God rewards faithful service.
Look at this verse from Hebrews 6:10. "God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them." Did you notice in this verse that by helping (getting involved) we are showing our love for God? And the verse makes it clear that God will not forget this loving service.
This is just one of many ways that serving others is not just good for them, but for us. When we are involved in using our gifts for God we grow and experience rewards in so many ways. It's a win-win-win situation.
3. You truly can make a difference!
Some jobs don't seem at first glance to be all that significant. We think anyone can do them. Or we think we don't really have any gifts that count. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
Here's an example. You are working in the nursery, caring for babies and changing diapers. You are far from the service, and far from most people's attention. While taking care of babies may be gratifying for some people, it may seem like it doesn't have much value from a spiritual point of view. Consider this. A parent of a baby will not attend The Mission, or any church for that matter, if they are not confident their child is safe and well cared for. Not only will they stay home and miss everything that church has to offer, but they will not have the opportunity to use their gifts in the worship team, or teaching Mission Kids, or whatever area of ministry God has called them to. The nursery worker has an eternal impact on the parents, their families, and anyone else who will benefit from those parent's opportunity to minister.
Here's another example. You are a greeter at the door. So you hold the door and shake hands, right? Big deal. Well, as one who has been a stranger in many many churches, I can speak first hand about the importance of someone who makes people feel truly welcome and comfortable. The greeter / usher is probably the first person a visitor will see. They will form lasting impressions about the church based on that first experience. Were they made to feel truly welcome? Did someone help them know what to do? (where do the kids go? where do they hang their coat? where are the washrooms?) Even regulars feel good about their church when they receive a warm greeting.
Every job in the church has value in God's kingdom. Every task, no matter how insignificant in our eyes, has a rippling effect that impacts lives, often for eternity.
So can you really make a difference? If you are willing to use the abilities God has given you, finding an area of service that fits your gifts and personality, you will truly make a difference. It will make a difference in your life, and in the lives of others.
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